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Ricoh Caplio R7 mini-review

Bought a new camera about a week ago since I got tired of the old one (Casio Z60). Instead of playing it safe and just go with any Canon IXUS (basically, all IXUS cameras provide great bang for the buck) I decided to go for a Ricoh Caplio R7. Featuring 8MP and a 7.1x optical zoom in a very small format, it seemed like a steal for 217 EUR. And so far, I'm very satisfied with it. Here is what I have concluded so far:

The good:

  • Good color reproduction
  • 7.1x zoom (can't be bad)
  • Good macro (1cm, or 25cm at full zoom)
  • Standard mini-usb cable, standard (hc)sd-card
  • Lots of settings to play around with (including manual focus), easily accessible using the dedicated "adj"-joystick

The bad:

  • Somewhat loud (startup, focusing, zooming)
  • Diagonal lines on display look jagged
  • Slow focus, unable to focus at times
  • Struggles somewhat under low-light conditions

Check out some sample pictures from the gallery. Note that all pictures are shot at 3MP (lame, I know).

New style added - again

Yes! Boredom breeds creativity. Except I have not really created anything, just copied some design idea that looked cool and merged with something that already existed on this page. But on the other hand, since when is that not considered creative? Check out the new style yourself.

Uploaded some picures from the karaoke party. I got so inspired that I'm seriously thinking about getting some karaoke software and a pair of wireless microphones. My girlfriend seems to like the idea anyway. ;)

Karaoke party!

Uploaded some picures from the karaoke party. I got so inspired that I'm seriously thinking about getting some karaoke software and a pair of wireless microphones. My girlfriend seems to like the idea anyway. ;)

Paris trip

Went on a trip to Paris. Never been there before. Interesting city, even if it all felt somewhat cliché. Take that Eiffel tower for example. It's not exactly like you go all "wow, look they got a tower, I had no idea". But I still have to admit that the city - including the tower - was very impressive. Make sure to check out the pictures.

Security hole?

As we all know by now, each time someone comes up with something fun (like online banking) someone else always comes up with something even more fun (like phishing). In this case, I just added an admin-interface to this page, effectively turning it into something like a blog. I guess that's a lot of fun until someone hacks the page and inject malicious code into it. Lol.
Aah, just forget it. Here you go, a funny video! ^_^

By request (embedding?)

Apparently, there is a way of embedding videos using some function offered by my web host. Can't get it to work though. I guess I will have to do dome research. In the meantime, just grab a funny video where we sing for Johan using this link. (17MB)

Edit: Got the embedding to work but it sucked. Just use the link.

New style sheet added

To make the site feel more updated, I added a new template, "PickyMedia". This is also set as the default template. Note that it uses liquid layout, making the contents fill out the whole page.
Also, my parent came to visit me. Took some pictures and added to the image gallery.

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Erik Moberg  2025