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Had this problem the other day. I was trying to import images and videos from a phone, but the videos did not show up on the import tab. After some googling, it seems that if the proper video codec is missing, Picasa may have problems playing back video files. Windows Media Player was able to play the files, so thought everything was OK - but after identifying (using this) and installing the codec manually, the files showed up in Picasa and everything was fine and dandy. :)

Solved - Picasa Cannot See or Import MP4 Video Files

Installing codecs like it's '99

Had this problem the other day. I was trying to import images and videos from a phone, but the videos did not show up on the import tab. After some googling, it seems that if the proper video codec is missing, Picasa may have problems playing back video files. Windows Media Player was able to play the files, so thought everything was OK - but after identifying (using this) and installing the codec manually, the files showed up in Picasa and everything was fine and dandy. :)

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Erik Moberg  2025